High Flying Video: Andy's Skycoaster!
What’s it like to free fall one hundred feet, soar right above the ground and then go flying above the treetops? The answer is simple: Skycoaster®! Now every thrill-seeker in Oklahoma can experience flying the Skycoaster® at Andy Alligator's Fun Park in Norman.
Andy's needed a video to give amusement-goers a sense of the rush experienced on Skycoaster®. So Trifecta's video team rode the ride. And then they rode it again...and again...and again...just to make sure they captured great shots, right? Mixing Go-Pros with a 4k camera and a little ingenuity, the team created a video that races the heart of any adrenaline junkie.
"Wow!" said Videographer Bryan Huddleston. "Now I know what it feels like to be Superman."
What's it really like to strap into the tallest thrill ride in the metro? Watch the video on the left to see for yourself!